Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a debilitating condition characterized by intense facial pain. It affects the trigeminal nerve, responsible for transmitting sensory information from the face to the brain. The excruciating pain associated with TN can significantly impact a person's quality of life. Here are seven crucial things you should know about this condition:

Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia manifests as sudden, severe facial pain, often described as stabbing, burning, or electric shocks. It typically affects one side of the face, particularly around the eyes, nose, lips, forehead, and jaw. Even mild stimuli like brushing teeth or a gentle breeze can trigger excruciating pain episodes.

Causes and Triggers

Trigeminal Neuralgia often results from compression or damage to the trigeminal nerve, possibly due to blood vessels pressing against it or conditions like multiple sclerosis. While the exact cause varies, triggers such as touching the face, chewing, talking, or even encountering a draft of air can provoke intense pain.

Diagnosis and Management

Proper diagnosis of TN involves a thorough medical history review, neurological examination, and sometimes imaging tests like MRI scans to rule out other underlying conditions. Once diagnosed, managing TN requires a multi-faceted approach, including medication, lifestyle modifications, and in severe cases, surgery.

Medication Options

Initially, TN is often managed with medications such as anticonvulsants like carbamazepine or gabapentin to alleviate pain. These drugs work by stabilizing nerve impulses. However, not everyone responds well to medication, and some may experience intolerable side effects, necessitating alternative treatments.

Surgical Intervention

In cases where medication fails to provide relief or causes intolerable side effects, surgical options may be considered. Trigeminal Neuralgia surgery in Dubai, performed by experienced neurosurgeons like Dr. Arun Rajeswaran, offers hope to patients seeking long-term pain relief. Surgical procedures aim to either decompress the trigeminal nerve or disrupt its function to alleviate pain.

Microvascular Decompression (MVD)

MVD is a surgical procedure often recommended for TN caused by vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve. During MVD, the neurosurgeon identifies the compressing blood vessel and carefully moves it away from the nerve, relieving pressure and reducing pain. This procedure offers durable pain relief with minimal risk of facial numbness.

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery is a non-invasive option for TN treatment, particularly suitable for elderly patients or those with underlying health conditions that make traditional surgery risky. This precise technique delivers targeted radiation to the trigeminal nerve, effectively disrupting its function and providing relief from pain without the need for incisions.

In Dubai, patients seeking relief from Trigeminal Neuralgia can benefit from the expertise of Dr. Arun Rajeswaran, renowned for his proficiency in neurosurgery and compassionate patient care. As one of the best neurosurgeons in Dubai, Dr. Rajeswaran employs cutting-edge techniques and personalized treatment plans to address each patient's unique needs and optimize outcomes.


In conclusion, Trigeminal Neuralgia is a challenging condition characterized by severe facial pain, but with proper diagnosis and management, relief is possible. From medication to surgical interventions like MVD or Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, individuals suffering from TN have various treatment options available, including access to skilled professionals like Dr. Arun Rajeswaran for trigeminal neuralgia surgery in Dubai. Seeking early intervention and exploring all avenues of treatment can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected by this debilitating condition.